Alternative medicine is the term for medical products and practices that are not part of standard care. Standard care is what medical doctors, doctors of osteopathy, and allied health professionals, such as nurses and physical therapists, practice. Alternative medicine is used in place of standard medical care. An example is treating heart disease with chelation therapy (which seeks to remove excess metals from the blood) instead of using a standard approach. Examples of alternative practices include homeopathy, traditional medicine, chiropractic, and acupuncture. Complementary medicine is different from alternative medicine. Whereas complementary medicine is used together with conventional medicine, alternative medicine is used in place of conventional medicine. See also complementary medicine, conventional medicine
A Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practiced for health and relaxation.
Energetic physical exercises, often performed with a group of people to music, that make the heart, lungs, and muscles stronger and increase the amount of oxygen in the blood.
A brand name for a type of exercise in which you do dance moves and other exercises to Latin American music, usually in a class with other people.
A treatment that involves directing energy from your hands into someone's body to make them feel better.
It is a revolutionary and comprehensive system of natural healing techniques that uses prana to treat illness. It is a synthesis of ancient, esoteric healing methods that have been rediscovered, researched and tested over decades with proven success
It is an alternative therapy that uses colors and their frequencies to heal physical and emotional problems. Color therapy is also known as chromopathy, chromotherapy, or color healing.The goal of color therapy is to correct physiological and psychological imbalances.
It involves placing gemstones on the body to draw out negative energy.Crystal healing is an alternative medical technique in which crystals and other stones are used to cure ailments and protect against disease.
It is an alternative medical practice that uses static magnets to alleviate pain and other health concerns. So-called therapeutic magnets are typically integrated into bracelets, rings, or shoe inserts, though therapeutic magnetic mattresses and clothing are also on the market.
It is also known as Flower Essence Therapy.It is healing certain physical and mental ailments through oils extracted from some special flowers and enhancing our moods through colors and patterns of floral arrangements.
It is an alternative medical practice that uses static magnets to alleviate pain and other health concerns. So-called therapeutic magnets are typically integrated into bracelets, rings, or shoe inserts, though therapeutic magnetic mattresses and clothing are also on the market.
Wear acupuncture is a type of acupuncture that involves inserting needles into specific points on the ear. Stimulating these points is thought to promote healing in other areas of the body.
It is an instant and effective healing therapy without medication and is absolutely safe and does not have any side effects.
It holds ancient significance in the territory of massages. It is one of the oldest forms to relieve strain and stress from all parts of your body with application of right pressure on your feet.
Hasyayoga is a modern exercise involving prolonged voluntary laughter. This type of yoga is based on the belief that voluntary laughter provides similar physiological and psychological benefits as spontaneous laughter.
It is a form of art that is based on applying the principles of yoga to dance. A stable, yet comfortable and relaxed sequence of movements forms the crux and flow of the yoga asanas.
mudras are symbolic hand gestures used in Hindu or Buddhist religious ceremonies and in the practice of yoga. Occasionally these gestures are done with the whole body, but more often they are focused on the hand with five elements.
It is an ancient Chinese medicine-based approach to treating a variety of conditions by triggering specific points on the skin with needles.
it is essentially a method of sending a signal to the body to โturn onโ its own self-healing or regulatory mechanisms.
Massage therapy is a treatment approach which is growing in demand and popularity. It was once considered an alternative or fringe approach, but it is now becoming much more main stream.