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Patanjali’s Yoga- Types

Sadhana means practice the passage is meant for both the beginner in the spiritual path and the evolved,patanjali outlines..

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Alternative medicine is the term for medical products and practices that are not part of standard care. Standard care is what...

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Yoga – An asset for preventive care

Today more than ever the need for preventive systems of medicine is being widely realised the cost of medicine care is rising..

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Do Yoga asanas everyday & keep blood sugar away!!

Studies are conducted by scholars across the world which confirmed our old age wisdom..

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Brow or Ajna Chakra

If the chakra is dysfunctional, you will experience blindness in seeing the truth and the inability to comprehend reality...

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Yoga for Children is Inevitable at Present

A child is a mercurial by nature, If one has to understand what change is it is essential to study a child with immense....

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Corporate Yoga & Wellness Program

We are one of leading professionals in corporate yoga & wellness program for more than a decade.Our yoga program is holistic, spiritual and scientific...

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Crown or Sahasrara Chakra

It unites itself all the energies of the lower chakras->has dual movement downward from top to bottom within the body upwards moving..

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Yoga as a diagnostic tool

Yoga is a useful tool in diagnosing many problems in clinical medicine .yoga has its own logistics in this medicine too trains us to look for certain signs..

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9 Famous Diets

The paleo diet claims that you should eat the same foods that your hunter-gatherer ancestors ate before agriculture developed.The theory is that most modern diseases...

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Yoga differences between the West and the East

Yoga in India and in the West is very different, and as I came to explore it more it’s something I really wanted..

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Firmer, more youthful looking face , Plumper, more defined lips . You should work on all the muscle group of the face so that the toning up and building of facial muscles...

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