child doing yoga

A child is a mercurial by nature, If one has to understand what change is it is essential to study a child with immense patience and \ love. A child is totally innocent and rarely harbors anger or resentment, unless repeatedly exposed to stress; Children live in the present, with no thought of the past and future. In this sense, they are liberated

child doing yoga

The atmosphere in which children grow up must be that of love and care. In such an atmosphere, the basic principles of honesty, love for fellow beings, giving and sharing , respect for nature non-violence, regard and affection for elders and discipline of body and mind . All this can be achieved only by parental commitment and example.

child doing yoga

Children often maintain poor posture. The sloppy posture adopted during reading or writing continues into their teens. An in-built resistance has begun by the time correction is instituted. Children also walk awkwardly at times right from a tender age, children should be taught the right posture to sit stand and walk.

child doing yoga

Prayer sleep habits are also very necessary for growing children, This should begin with waking up early in the morning around 5.30 and going to sleep by 9.00 to 9.30 p.m

child doing yoga

The most common health problems that children suffer from are recurrent colds and coughs. This may be due to poor nutrition or immunity exposure to dust and to other children from whom the inspection spreads

child doing yoga

The best way to activate the immune cells is to encourage the child to exercise vigorously. This stimulates better circulation in the throat and nasal areas, and a healthy quantity of T and B immune cells are fleshed into these areas. The most dramatic effect can be seen when such children practice Yoga .inverted asanas like head and shoulder stand concentrate then immune cells in the throat and sinuses, and prevent frequent upper respiratory infections. Regularity of practice is a must, The health of children and easily be safeguarded by introducing the practice of yoga right from the age of five. All the asanas can be practiced by the children as their bodies are flexible and the bones have not yet ossified instruction on precision and forcing the body into the position must be avoided \ if the growth cartilage is damaged, that part remains stunted.

child doing yoga

Children should be made to practice yoga in groups of this brings out the best in them. The interaction with other children and the sharing of daily experiences is far more important than meditation.