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  1. Seventh chakra -> seat of enlightenment -> top of head.
  2. It unites itself all the energies of the lower chakras->has dual movement downward from top to bottom within the body upwards moving from the head beyond the visible world.
  3. If this chakra is blocked it may cause depression, confusion, alienation, boredom & apathy.

Yoga Therapy

Saravangasana , Matsyasana.

Crown or Sahasrara Chakra :

Colour : Violet ,white ,gold
Associated gland : Pineal

Principle : Purest being ,the right to aspire

Location : Top of the head

Symbol : 1000- Petal lotus

Bodily association : Cerebrum

Imbalances : Premature sexual maturity, headaches, Photo sensitivity, epilepsy, mental illness.

Root Stimulants : Focusing on dreams, violet foods, clothes.